Due to popular demand, the dates of the ecopoetry workshop have been amended. You also now have the option of joining for single workshop sessions as opposed to the whole batch.
$50 per session. Discount: $240 for all 5 dates.
Sunday May 18, 5–7pm: The Romantics and the Transcendentalists
At the Schuylkill Environment Center
Thursday May 22, 12 noon–2:00pm: “Spring & All,” William Carlos Williams
At Bartram’s Gardens
Monday May 26, 6:30–8:30pm: Poetry of the Third Landscape: Experiments with Space
Location TBA
Monday June 2, 6:30–8:30pm: Nature/History/Action
At the Red Sofa
Sunday June 8: time/location TBA, followed by Philly literary BBQ!
The Red Sofa returns this spring with a generative, interactive workshop, in which we will explore and experiment with ecological poetry. We will study ecopoetry in its many shapes, from the Romantic tradition to poems that employ experimental forms. Attentive to our natural surroundings, we will write poems of our urban habitat, navigating the boundary between human and nature.
Optional individual critiques will be available, but our focus will be on generating and sharing new work as opposed to a traditional critique-based workshop. All levels of experience are welcome.
Workshop includes:
• Urban nature walks
• Inspiring writing exercises
• Homemade vegetarian food & wine
• Support for your writing practice
• Poetry community
Led by poet Hila Ratzabi in her West Philadelphia home, the Red Sofa is a salon and workshop for poets looking for a space and community in which to discuss poems. The Red Sofa takes its name from the poet’s large, cushiony sofa, an ideal place for reading, chatting, and dreaming.